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Debt Authorisation

  • Account holder details

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Authorised representative details

  • Consent

  • I authorize my representative to:
    • Seek and exchange personal information about me and my accounts (including consumer and/or commercial credit information, my credit report or information concerning my credit history.
    • Negotiate with and enter into arrangements that are binding on me related to the account(s);
    • Act on my behalf until this Authority is revoked. I acknowledge that this Authority will remain in force until revoked. This Authority will be revoked when a notice is received from me or My Representative/s that the Authority is revoked, or when I appoint a subsequent person to act on my behalf after the date of this Authority.
  • I agree that:
    • Standard account notifications (including account statements and other notices) can still be sent to me to my nominated email address;
    • If an agreement is negotiated with My Representative/s, my written consent (and the written consent of any joint account holders and/or guarantors) may be required;
    • You may rely on the information provided to you by My Representative as having being provided with my authority and as being true and correct;
    • You may deal with My Representative until the Authority is revoked
  • Authorization & Privacy Consent
    By signing this document you consent to us (Fix My Credit LTD ABN 336 161 932 87 and our related bodies corporate) and some other entities collecting, using, holding and disclosing personal and credit information about you. You can find out more about how we deal with your privacy by viewing our privacy policy at If you do not provide us with this consent or provide us with your personal information we may not be able to provide our services to you.

    By signing this document, you also appoint us, and any qualified accountants employed or contracted from time to time by us, as your authorised agent/representative to represent you and advocate on your behalf in relation to all debts that you owe to third parties.

    We may collect, use, hold and disclose personal and credit information about you for the purposes of providing you with the services you have requested including, making arrangements with your creditors, direct marketing of products and services by us and managing our relationship with you.

    Credit information includes the type and amount of your existing liabilities default information (including overdue payments), insolvency information, new arrangement information (such as variations of your existing loans), and court information. Personal information includes any information from which your identity is apparent.

    You may gain access to the personal information that we hold about you by contacting us. A copy of our privacy policy can be obtained at or by contacting us at Our privacy contains information about how you may access or seek correction of your personal information and credit information, how we manage that information and our complaints process

    Consumer and commercial credit information
    We may exchange your commercial and consumer credit information with entities listed below to assess your creditworthiness, credit standing, and credit history or credit capacity.

    Exchange information with credit providers
    We may exchange your personal and credit information with credit providers for the purposes of assessing your creditworthiness, credit standing, and credit history or credit capacity

    Exchange information with guarantors
    We may exchange your personal and credit information with any person who proposes to guarantee or has guaranteed repayment of any credit provided to you.

    Exchange information
    We may exchange personal and credit information with the following types of entities, some of which may be located overseas. Please see our privacy policy for more information.
    • Finance brokers, mortgage managers, and persons who assist us to provide our products to you
    • Your creditors
    • Financial consultants, accountants, lawyers and advisers
    • Any industry body, tribunal, court or otherwise in connection with any complaint the products or services we have provided to you
    • Any person where we are required by law to do so
    • Any of our associates, related entities or contractors
    • Any person considering acquiring an interest in our business or assets
    • Any organization providing online verification of your identity

    Customer identification
    We may disclose personal information about you to an organization providing verification of your identity, including on-line verification of your identity.

    Obtaining personal, financial, and credit information from a CRB or credit provider
    You appoint us your agent to act as an ‘access seeker’ to obtain your credit information from a credit reporting body or credit provider on your behalf for the purposes of providing you with the services you have requested. You authorize us to disclose any credit information we obtain to other bodies in regard to the services requested.

    You appoint us as your agent to obtain your personal and financial information including but not limited to:
    • Information about your credit disclosure held by the credit provider under the National Credit Code respectively; and
    • All information held by any creditor or credit provider; or any similar party in relation to your financial position.

    Authorised agent/representative:
    You also appoint us, and any qualified accountants employed or contracted from time to time by us, as your authorised agent/representative to represent you and advocate on your behalf in relation to all debts that you owe to third parties with authority to:
    • enter into a repayment arrangement on your behalf with any credit provider or creditor to whom you have requested a service;
    • provide the services you have requested;
    • to obtain or accept service of any documents, notices and other information on your behalf;
    • to consent on your behalf to receive notices and other documents electronically, where this is permitted by law; and
    • to direct your creditors to communicate directly with us and not with you personally.

  • Signatures of Applicant(s) and date

  • You consent to the use of your personal and credit information, and for us to act as your agent / representative, as set out above.

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • By completing your online signature you are agreeing to the terms and conditions on this page and understand this is the same as an original signature is binding.
  • Your details are kept confidential

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