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If I only have a small $200 vodafone default should I still bother as the default is less than your fee?

YES! Its not the size of the default it’s the fact you have one, even if you pay that $200 you are still going to be in the exact same position with bad credit! As paying the debt you owe DOES NOT remove it!

Do I have to pay my default first before it can be removed?

If the listing is disputable then NO you do not have to pay it to have it removed. You will however have to settle the debt with the provider at a later stage.

Is a Credit Default and a Court Judgement the same thing?

No. A default is listed by the provider straight to the credit reporting agency themselves. A Judgement is listed through the courts.

Can you 100% guarantee you can clean my file?

No. A listing can only be removed if it has been listed in error, or if the listing itself is disputable.

Do you charge an admin fee?

No. Unlike most other competing companies out there, we only charge a one off fee only IF you are accepted for our services. Be careful you don’t get sucked in to paying high administration fees that some companies charge for what we do at no cost!

Is Credit Repair Legal?

Absolutely. You as the consumer have the right to challenge any listing on your credit file that you believe is disputable or listed in error.

Do I have to do anything?

Our company advocates on your behalf, the most you may be asked to do is sign where needed.

If I purposely didn’t pay my bills when I was younger can it still come off?

Yes in some cases, however only if there has been a breach in legislation prior to listing you.

How long does the whole process take to remove bad credit?

In a majority of cases the credit repair process takes 15 to 30 days.

Are you linked with VEDA?

No, although we have access to Vedas system we are not associated with Veda in any way, shape or form.

We accept referrals from some of the industry’s leading establishments.

See Referral Agreement