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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


This site is possessed and worked by Fix My Credit. Your privacy on the Internet is absolutely critical to us. At Fix My Credit, we need to make your experience web based fulfilling and safe.

Since we assemble certain sorts of information about our users, we feel you ought to completely comprehend our strategy and the terms and conditions encompassing the catch and utilization of that information. This privacy proclamation uncovers what information we assemble and how we utilize it.

Information Fix My Credit accumulates and tracks

Fix My Credit accumulates two sorts of information about users:

Information that users give through discretionary, deliberate entries. These are willful entries to get additional information about our items or administrations. By no means Fix My Credit reveals any information around an individual user to a third party.

Information Fix My Credit assembles through amassed following information inferred mostly by counting page sees all through our sites. This information permits us to better tailor our content to viewer’s needs. By no means Fix My Credit shares any information around an individual user to a third party.

Fix My Credit Gathers User Information In The Following Processes:

We offer the accompanying free administrations, which require some sort of intentional accommodation of individual information by users:

1. “Get a Quote” form submission

Our users can enter their points of interest to get additional information identifying with getting evaluating on our items or administrations. The information accumulated from this frame is utilized for recognizing users’ needs and to give contact information to further correspondence about our items and administrations as particularly asked.

2. “Reach Us” form submission

Our users can ask for additional information or make inquiries straightforwardly from our online enquiry frame. The information assembled from users will be utilized to reach these customers to give answers to their inquiries and not for some other reason.

Child Protection

Reliable with the Federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), we will never intentionally ask for by and by identifiable information from anybody less than 13 years old without asking for parental consent.

Usage tracking

Fix My Credit tracks user activity designs all through the greater part of our sites. Be that as it may, we don’t associate this information with information about individual users. Fix My Credit breaks down general use insights as indicated by a user’s space name, program sort, and MIME sort by perusing this information from the program string (information contained in each user’s program).

We utilize following information to figure out which zones of our sites users like and don’t care for in view of movement to those territories. We don’t track what singular users read, yet rather how well every page performs generally. This helps us keep on building a superior administration for you.


We may put a content document called a “cookie” in the program records of your PC. The cookie itself does not contain Personal Information despite the fact that it will empower us to relate your utilization of this site to information that you have particularly and purposely given. Be that as it may, the main individual information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie can’t read information off your hard circle or read cookie documents made by different sites. Fix My Credit utilizes cookies to track user movement designs (as depicted previously).

You can decline cookies by turning them off in your program. On the off chance that you’ve set your program to caution you before tolerating cookies, you will get the notice message with every cookie. You don’t need cookies swung on to utilize this site. Notwithstanding, you do require cookies to participate effectively in message sheets, gatherings, surveying and studies.


Fix My Credit utilizes any information deliberately given by our users to upgrade their involvement in our system of sites, reach by means of telephone or email to give information asked for by users, give intuitive or customized components on the sites or to better plan future content in light of the interests of our users.

As expressed above, we utilize information that users willfully give keeping in mind the end goal to convey customized quotes or reach users who have inquiries or need promote counsel or information.

Since we don’t track the utilization examples of individual users, a publicist or support will never realize that a particular user clicked their promotion. We won’t uncover any information about any individual user but to consent to applicable law or legitimate lawful process or to ensure the individual wellbeing of our users or the general population.


Fix My Credit utilizes the above-portrayed information to tailor our content to suit your requirements and give information that has been asked for by users. We won’t impart information about individual users to any third party, but to agree to applicable law or legitimate lawful process or to ensure the individual wellbeing of our users or people in general.


We give users alternatives wherever essential and down to earth. Such decisions include:

Selecting not to participate in certain intelligent territories, which totally mitigates the need to accumulate any actually identifiable information from our users.

Contact through email or telephone to ask for the cancellation of any correspondence or individual information.


By utilizing this site, you consent to the accumulation and utilization of this information by Fix My Credit. On the off chance that we choose to change our privacy approach, we will post those progressions on this page with the goal that you are constantly mindful of what information we gather, how we utilize it, and under what conditions we share it.

We accept referrals from some of the industry’s leading establishments.

See Referral Agreement